Pekné: 28 najlepších vecí, ktoré môžete robiť, a miesta na návštevu (južne od Francúzska)

Existuje niečo o skvelom, čo robí jedno radostné.

Naši duchovia boli dole predtým, ako sme dorazili do pekne. Vins stratil telefón na skupine podvodníkov v našej predchádzajúcej zastavení, takže sme sa tešili na toľko potrebnú a veľmi zaslúženú zmenu scenérie. Chceli sme len, aby boli veci, dobre, pekné. Táto cesta to priniesla, v poriadku. Ale to, čo sme dostali, bolo oveľa viac.

Nice je jedno z tých miest, ktoré vám môžu okamžite usmiať na tvári. Dokonca aj ideálne, keď to píšem a pamätám si svoj čas, nemôžem pomôcť žiariť. Či už je to slnečné počasie, bezstarostná atmosféra, malebné pobrežie alebo kombinácia všetkých z nich – skvelé je absolútne oveľa viac ako pekné. To je nádherné.

Tu sú niektoré z najlepších vecí, ktoré môžete robiť, a miesta, ktoré môžete navštíviť v tomto slnečnom rohu Francúzska.

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

Pekné staré mesto pešia turné Masséna
Kurzy Saleya
Chapelle de la Misericorde
Le Palais de Justice
Umiestnite Rossetti a veľkú katedrálu
Kontajner Galerie Le
Bell Tower Saint-François
Umiestniť Saint-François
Musée du Palais Lascaris
Opéra de pekne

Baie des Anges (Angels ‘Bay) pláže pekné
Promenáda des Anglais
Šikmé ligny
Park Castle Hill
Quai rauba capeu

French Riviera Toursmonaco Tour
Pobrežná prehliadka

Pekné jedlá trojplocálne reštaurácie v pekných
Pouličné jedlo v peknom
Zmrzlina v peknom
Pekná prehliadka jedla so sprievodcom

Ďalšie atrakcie Villa Kerylos
Avenue Jean Medecin
Bazilika Notre-Dame de Nice
Parc Phoenix

Vzorku skvelých hotelov s rozpočtovými itinerytop
Vyhľadajte oveľa viac skvelých hotelov!

Viac nápadov na YouTube ⬇ súvisiace príspevky:

Pekná pešia prehliadka starého mesta

Miestne nazývané Vieux Great alebo Vieille Ville, staré mesto je historickým centrom mesta, ktoré sa nachádza na základni Castle Hill a pred čím Promenade des Anglais. Jeho úzke stredoveké uličky sa vetra medzi starými budovami a skrývajú niekoľko kultúrnych a gastronomických drahokamov.

Táto oblasť je priateľská pre chodcov, takže je možné úplne preskúmať pešo. Ale ak chcete oceniť sochy a rohy mesta, môžete sa pripojiť k bezplatnej pešej prehliadke. Zarezervovali sme si s prehliadkami Riviera Bar Crawl Tours. Dvojhodinová exkurzia nás vzala po celej oblasti a na ceste sa zastavila na niektorých zaujímavých pamiatkach.

Tu sú niektoré zo štruktúr a miest v starom meste.

Miesto Masséna

Masséna slúži ako jeden z hlavných vchodov do starého mesta. Je to hlavné námestie Nice, pomenované po André Masséne, vojenskom veliteľovi pod Napoleonom Bonapartom.

Navrhol Joseph Vernier v roku 1834, je obklopený budovami červených okerov, ktoré vytvárajú nádherný výhľad, kdekoľvek sa pozriete. Námestie spája Avenue Jean Medecin a Staré mesto, ktoré je strážené fontánou prehliadanou sochou nahého Apolla, gréckeho boha slnka, medicíny, proroctva, hudby a poézie. Je to moje obľúbené miesto v meste!

Kurzy Saleya

Cours Saleya sa doslova prekladá do „bitia srdca“, čo je výstižné, pretože táto živá trhová ulica je jednou z najrušnejších a veľa živých miest v starom meste.

Cours Saleya je najlepšie známy pre Marché aux fleurs (kvetinový trh). Great má dlhodobú afinitu k kvetom. Už viac ako storočie by poľnohospodári zostúpili a zhromažďovali sa skvele, aby predali kvety veľkoobchodníkom, ktorí by ich potom prepravili do iných častí krajiny. Great tiež drží Bataille de Fleurs, kvetinovú prehliadku, ktorá je súčasťou veľkých karnavalských slávností. Kvetinový trh je otvorený od utorka-nedeha, 18:00-17:30.

Vedľa boku s kvetinovým trhom je Marché Aux Fruits Et Lugumes (trh ovocia a zeleniny), kde môžete ochutnať čerstvé produkty z regiónu a susednej Provence. It’s open from Tuesday-Sunday, 6am-1:30pm.

Both markets are closed on Mondays, when the street is taken over by an antiques and flea market, open from 7am-6pm. There’s also a night market from June-September.

Chapelle de la Misericorde

Designed by architect Bernardo Vittone, the Chapelle de la Misericorde (Chapel of Misericorde/Mercy) is a Gothic church built in 1747. It is one of the most eye-catching structures along Cours Saleya.

Le Palais de Justice

Opposite the market street, across the Courtyard Square, you’ll find Le Palais de Justice, the city’s Hall of Justice. It was completed in 1892 at the spot where a Dominican convent used to stand.

Place Rossetti and the great Cathedral

Place Rossetti (Rossetti Square) is a small square fronting the great Cathedral (Basilique-Cathédrale Sainte-Marie et Sainte-Réparate de Nice) and surrounded by a dozen ochre-housed restaurants and stemming into narrow alleys.

Galerie Le Container

This small gallery showcases various pieces of street art. The establishment is called such because for lots of years, it traveled from one city to another, bringing street art closer to a lot more curious souls. For now, they have made a historic building at the end of Cours Saleya their home.

And oh, this building was the former residence of French painter Henri Matisse, who spend much of his life in Nice.

Bell Tower Saint-François

A dominant structure in the Old Town, the Saint-François Bell Tower is what remains of the old Franciscan convent that once stood here. At 50 meters above sea level, the top of the tower also serves as an observation deck, using an unobstructed, 360-degree view of the city.

Umiestniť Saint-François

This small square near the 16th-century Baroque-style town hall hosts the fish market, which takes shape every morning from Tuesday to Sunday. You can also see the Saint-François Bell Tower standing tall in the background.

Musée du Palais Lascaris

This 17th-century palace was built for the Vintimille-Lascaris family, an aristocratic clan at the time. Today it houses a museum showcasing Antoine Gautier’s collection of a lot more than 500 historic musical instruments.

Opéra de pekne

The building’s history can be traced back to 1776 when a wooden theater was constructed at the site. It has undergone major changes since. Today, it is the main venue for the city’s operas, classical concerts, and ballet performances, and serves as the home of the great Philharmonic Orchestra and the Ballet great Méditerrannée.


The beaches of Nice

Nice is best known for its coast. Although it is not strewn with fine sand, this pebbly strip has been the favorite kicking back ground for Europeans for centuries. even today, the beach remains as popular as ever, with tourists having a swim, sun-bathing, or simply lounging.

The stretch is divided into several beaches, some public and some private. At private beaches, you can rent a lounge chair for around 20€ per day.

For a list of beaches in Nice, check out this page by great Tourism.

Promenáda des Anglais

The Promenade des Anglais is a beachfront walkway hemming the coast of Nice. The name literally indicates the “Walkway of the English” because it was the English who funded its construction. In the 18th century, great was a favorite vacation among English nobles escaping the wintertime cold.

Šikmé ligny

Nice has been a part of France for only 150 years! It used to belong to the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia until it rejoined France in 1860. To honor the 150th anniverary of the annexation, the Neuf Lignes Obliques was erected in 2010. It is a massive steel monument made of nine 30-meter beams joining together at the top. Neuf Lignes translates to “nine lines”.

Park Castle Hill

When you think of Nice, the first image to pop up in your head is probably that of the beach stretching to the horizon splitting the view into two: the cerulean waters of the Mediterranean on the left and the red-tiled roofs of the Old town napravo. If you want to take pleasure in and capture that breathtaking view, climb to the top of the Castle Hill.

This used to be crowned with the Castle of great but it was destroyed by the forces of Louis XIV in 1706. Today, it is a public park where you can take pleasure in the best view of the city. You can also bring some snacks — maybe some fruits you gotten at Cours Saleya — and have an afternoon picnic.

Most tourists take the flights of stairs to the top. but if for whatever reason you can’t climb on foot or you’re feeling a bit lazy, there is a complimentary elevator. You’ll find it hidden at the end of the tunnel. The entrance is on your left-hand side if you’re facing the hill with your back towards the sea.

Quai rauba capeu

Skirting the foot of the Castle hill is Quai Rauba Capeu. connecting the Promenade des Anglais and Quai Lunel, it juts out to the sea, using a good view of the cerulean Mediterranean waters. part of it faces west, so you can also take pleasure in enjoying the promenade against the golden sunset in the background. You’ll also find a war memorial honoring the 4000 locals who sacrificed their lives in the world wars.


On the other side of Castle hill lies Port Lympia, the city’s main port area. While a lot of tourists come here to catch a boat or the Bus 100 (I’ll describe this bus later), it is an exceptionally picturesque area too with colorful buildings lining the horseshoe-shaped port.


Nice is a compelling city on its own, but what makes it even a lot more appealing is that it also serves as the jumpoff point to other destinations in the French Riviera like Monaco, Antibes, Villefranche-sur-Mer, or Cannes.

It is possible to go around by taking the public transportation. The bus and the train can take you effortlessly. If you wish to take the train, You can also join a group tour.

Autobusom. The TAM (Transport Alpes-Maritimes) operates intercity buses within the region, from Cannes to Menton. the most popular bus route is the Bus 100, which can take you from great to Villefranche-sur-Mer to Monaco to Menton. The journey is considered one of the most picturesque bus rides in the world. See schedule here!

Vlakom. The TER Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur can take you to other cities and villages in the region. The main station is the Gare de Nice-Ville. Fares are 1.90€ for Villefranche, 4.10€ for Monaco, 4.80€ for Antibes, 5.50€ for Menton, and 7.20€ for Cannes. check schedule here!

Here are some of your other options.

Monaco Tour

The second smallest country in the world, the Principality of Monaco is an independent microstate on the Riviera, but it’s easily easily accessible from Nice. It is best known for the formula One Grand Prix, the Casino Monte Carlo, and one of the most spectacular night views in the world.

Other attractions include the Palais du Prince, Jardin Exotique, and Larvotto Beach. It’s also a tax haven (no income taxes for residents).

How to get to Monaco: You can take the picturesque Bus 100. Fare: 1.50€. travel time: 45 minutes. Alternatively, you may take the train from Gare de Nice-Ville. Fare: 4.10€. travel time: 20 minutes.

For a better appreciation of Monaco, we recommend joining a guided excursion instead. The excursion starts at Gare de Nice-Ville, where you’ll meet the guide who will lead you by train to Monte Carlo. The guide will take you around Monaco, sharing information about each attraction along the way. You can book this excursion on Klook.


Pobrežná prehliadka

Antibes. image supplied by Klook.
Tourists make their way to this part of France because of its white shores and turquoise waters. This trip goes to well-known destinations like Mont Boron, Villefranche, Monaco, and Cannes.

The excursion also covers a stop at Eze village where you’ll learn about the perfume and cosmetics industry of the country.



Image courtesy of Klook
You can also go on a day excursion to see the beautiful countryside of Alpes-Maritimes. This excursion allows you to see the natural and man-made appeal of this region. See Saut Du Loup, a fetching waterfall before heading to Gourdon, Mougins and Tourettes-su-Loup to see old world architecture. These villages are like time warps supplying a look of a bygone era.



France, in general, is widely known for its gastronomy. but if you think you’ve seen and tasted French food in Paris, you shouldn’t pass up an opportunity to pig out in Nice. It’s far from the normal French food that you see in other cities.

Thanks to the complicated history of this region, Niçoise cuisine is special and eclectic. It takes advantage of the abundance of fresh, quality ingredients with a sprinkle of Italian influence.

Local restaurants in Nice

When choosing a place to eat, look for the “Cuisine Nissarde” sign. This label is awarded to restaurants that serve quality Niçoise specialties and supply warm service.

Some of the dishes you must give a try are:

Salade Niçoise, composed of mesclun (a mix of fresh, young greens like arugula lettuces and chevril), black olives, tuna, anchovies, hard-boiled eggs, and olive oil.

La Daube Niçoise, beef slowly stewed with cremini mushrooms, cayenne pepper, and brandy.

Les Petits Farcis (also called farçis Niçois), veggies stuffed with ground meat then baked.

Ratatouille, layered stew of vegetables like zucchini and eggplant, which originated in Nice!

Pouličné jedlo v peknom

If you’re in a hurry or just up for a quick bite, get hold of a local snack. here are some options:

Socca, a type of thin pancake made from chickpea flour.

Pissaladière, a pizza-like treat made of bread dough topped with onions, black olives, and anchovies.

Pan bagnat, which is, in a nutshell, salade Niçoise as a sandwich.

Zmrzlina v peknom

When touring great gets too hot to handle, treat yourself to a scoop of gelato! As the most checked out summer destination in France, great has several ice cream shops. two of the most popular are Gelateria Azzurro and Fenocchio. They offer a variety of both tried-and-tested and unusual regional flavors like lavender, black olive, tomato, and thyme!

Pekná prehliadka jedla so sprievodcom

Image courtesy of Klook
If you want to learn a lot more about each dish — how they are prepared, where th

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